COS Symphonic Band
The following recordings of the College of the Sequoias Symphonic Band were made on March 27, 2019 by the COS Recording Arts 2 class.
Conductor, Michael Tackett [email protected]
WARNING: because of download restrictions, the first two songs (which are longer) "Flight of the Piasa" and "Everything Beautiful" are at a lower quality. Sorry. If it is a problem, chase down the CD.
CLICK HERE for a quick, fun video of the evening.
Conductor, Michael Tackett [email protected]
WARNING: because of download restrictions, the first two songs (which are longer) "Flight of the Piasa" and "Everything Beautiful" are at a lower quality. Sorry. If it is a problem, chase down the CD.
CLICK HERE for a quick, fun video of the evening.
To Listen to audio, just click the "download file". (Some computers will ask if you want to "open" or "save" it- click "open".)
To download audio to your computer, right click on the "download file", click "save target as" and choose where you want to save the song.
To download audio to your computer, right click on the "download file", click "save target as" and choose where you want to save the song.
Performance Songs
Bonus Songs